Trump Embodies the American Spirit

trump, Catholics and a political party


Like most people, I avoid talking about politics. Living in Europe, and during this presidential election, that means especially American politics.

I think Trump, everything he is and stands for, particularly shocks Europeans. They are very fond of Hillary: tax the wealthy until the last penny (the word “socialist” is a compliment here), make everything public from preschool to healthcare, liberalize abortion and same-sex marriage all you can, guns kill people, we’re doing all we can to fight terrorism, very politically correct… That is basically every European politician.

Even Hillary’s private life and her husband’s impeachment is no big deal. European politicians cheat too. They are even openly homosexual and atheist, something that doesn’t usually happen in the United States.

But Trump? Now that’s shocking. My family and friends cannot understand how someone like Trump could have a chance at being president of the United States. I used to think the same way, until I saw the presidential debates.

I had purposefully never seen Trump talk until the presidential debates. The only Republican debate I watched was the one Trump wasn’t present in. So when I watched the three debates between Trump and Hilary I was very surprised.

I felt like I somewhat understood how Trump got where he is and also why he is so shocking. He reflects the American spirit and the American spirit is unique. It is different from the European spirit. Not better, not worse, but different.

Trump is a cowboy

Of course, not literally. He is actually a millionaire tycoon born in New York. I remember my high school history teacher explaining how in the beginning of the United States the East Coast started getting overpopulated, especially in the cities. The movement to the West was like a letting out of steam, he said. Only the courageous settlers and pioneers went West. It takes a lot of courage and determination to settle in lands that haven’t been settled before. Read no further than Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Trump said in the last question of the second debate that one thing he admires in Hilary is that she is a fighter. I would say he is a fighter, too in this “cowboy” sense of the term. Even just in this presidential race, he presents himself as fearless, defying the system, fighting against what he says is Hillary’s “machine” she has behind her and the media who are against him.

He values the military and has mentioned many times how proud he is of his military endorsements. Aggression and military strength are things that he is at ease with, while Hillary and Europeans shy away from them.

The second amendment is in peril, says Trump. Guns are perhaps the most controversial topic ever here in Europe, because Europeans simply can’t understand why the government shouldn’t keep guns away from its people. Yet, even Hilary said in the third debate that she respects the cultural tradition of bearing arms in the United States that goes back to the founding fathers.

I think this topic especially touches on the American spirit and can only be understood with its founding. Of course you needed a gun to settle the West, where there were bears and wolves and cattle thieves. Laura Ingalls Wilder says in her books that she fell asleep easily at night with Pa’s gun above their door and their dog sleeping outside.

Trump is not politically correct

Okay, sometimes he is rude. However, this is refreshing to many people who are tired of not only politicians being “politically correct” (read: dishonest and deceiving), but everyone being almost obligated to be politically correct. There are numerous things that you can’t call by their name, because people think if you change the name of it you will take out the racism/sexism/discrimination/etc. associated with it.

One of the questions specifically for Hillary in the second debate was if she thought it was okay to say one thing to one group of people and say another thing to another group of people. She basically answered that, yes, she thinks that’s being smart and knowing how to lead.

Trump, on the contrary, is a loose cannon. He is unpredictable and sometimes loses his cool. He says ridiculous things and sometimes takes them back. He also says funny things and has no fear of insulting people to their face. “What have you been doing these last 30 years?” “Are you kidding? No, your husband did a TERRIBLE job”, he says to Hillary.

I think people appreciate that in him. He is more authentic and genuine than any other well-groomed, perfectly rehearsed politician we’ve ever seen.

Trump is decadent

Unfortunately, Trump is not a cowboy in moral character. He is not a gentleman, he doesn’t protect women and children and he probably doesn’t respect his momma. On the contrary, he is the product of an oversexualized, godless, career-first, money-driven, entertainment-centered culture.

Unfortunately, this also reflects the current state of the American spirit. There are certain very powerful things, namely pornography, television, entertainment, money, etc., that are taking over the cultural identity. How could someone with no experience in politics whatsoever, who was the star of a reality show, become president of the United States?

My theory is that the voters also are no longer educated in politics. They pick who they like to watch, who they know, who satisfies their immediate desires.

This is a far cry from the family based, “In God We Trust”, Judeo-Christian, white-picket fence roots of the United States and especially politicians of the past. The private and family life of both candidates is a far cry from what has traditionally been required of presidents. Trump’s “locker room talk” in the bus and his three marriages are really not all that shocking when you compare it to what you see when you turn on the TV.

Is Trump a great candidate? By no means. Is Trump an “evil” candidate? In my opinion, also by no means. Trump does reflect an interesting cultural phenomenon and the American spirit again longing for change and adventure.


3 thoughts on “Trump Embodies the American Spirit”

  1. He won. I’m glad. He will appoint Supreme Court Justices who are more inclined against abortion and for the death penalty which is affirmed in Romans 13:4. He has moved his party away from business owner only ideology …toward workers. That is immense. He’s a molestor but Hillary is a baby killer. Molestors are preferable. He will ignore Pope Francis’ use of manipulative liberal cannards….”walls are not Christian”. What’s that edifice surrounding Vatican City? Love that ignore quality he has towards manipulators….. to no end.

  2. My Private Litany for the Elections

    Lord God, Creator of the world, our Heavently Father, have mercy on us
    Christ, redeemer of the world, Sovereign King, have mercy on us
    Holy Spirit, sanctifier of the world, have mercy on us.
    Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
    Holy Mary, Immaculate conception, pray for us
    Immaculate Mother patroness of America and of distant isles, pray for us
    St. John Neumann, pray for us
    St. Damien de Vuester, pray for us
    St. Junipero Sera, pray for us
    St. Francesca Cabrini, pray for us
    St. Elizabeth Seton, pray for us
    St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, pray for us
    St. Katherine Drexel, pray for us
    St. Theodora Guerin, pray for us
    St. Marianne Cope, pray for us
    St. Kateri Tekakwitha, pray for us
    All ye holy American blesseds and venerables, pray for us
    Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos, pray for us
    Bl. Miriam Theresa, pray for us

    From Hillary Clinton’s plague of taxpayer-paid abortion up to the ninth month, Lord, deliver us
    From Hillary Clinton’s plan to make churches change their pro-life teachings and deep-seated beliefs, Lord deliver us.
    From Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s plan to subvert the Catholic Church from within, Lord deliver us.
    From Hillary Clinton’s plan to import thousands and thousands of Muslim invaders, Lord deliver us
    From Hillary Clinton’s plan for legalized and taxpayer-paid euthanasia, Lord deliver us.
    From Hillary Clinton’s continued selling of government access to foreign powers who don’t like us, Lord deliver us
    From Hillary Clinton’s demonizing of poor people when speaking to her rich donor, and demonizing of rich people when speaking to the poor, Lord deliver us.
    From the effects of Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s participation in demonic rituals, Lord deliver us.
    From Hillary Clinton’s plan to wage war with Russia, Lord deliver us.
    From Pope Francis’s meddling in the American elections, Lord deliver us.

    For the sake of unborn babies slated to be killed by Hillary’s patronage of the evil Planned Parenthood, Lord hear our prayer
    For the sake of Christians in the Middle East who are being killed and persecuted by jihadist Muslims as a result of botched Hillary Clinton foreign policy, Lord hear our prayer

    For the sake of lawful immigrants unjustly discriminated against in favor of those who break the laws, Lord hear our prayer.

    For the same of traditional marriage between one man and one woman, Lord hear our prayer.

    For the sake of our Supreme Court that needs to be filled with pro-life, conservative Justices who will defend our Constitution instead of rule from the bench, Lord hear our prayer.

    For the sake of those who’ve lost their jobs due to outsourcing to foreign countries, Lord hear our prayer.

    For the sake of Mr. Trump, a very flawed candidate, but has the more Catholic agenda than that of Mrs. Clinton’s evil policies, Lord hear our prayer.

    Lord, may it be according to Your will that Mr. Trump wins. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

    Lord God of the universe, Father of Our King Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father, have mercy on Your people of the United States of America. Open the eyes of American Catholics on the dangers of voting for Hillary Clinton on this most critical elections. Hear the prayer of Our Blessed Mother and our American saints who have worked for mercy and justice. With them, we pray for the healing of our land so that Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

  3. To paraphrase a quote I read somewhere regarding the difference between America and Europe, “in Europe you can’t do anything unless the government/laws says you can, in America you can do anything you want unless the government/law says you can’t”. This is a big difference.

    Regarding guns, we all have a right to defend ourselves, and a gun allows anyone, no mater how elderly or slightly built to ward off an attack from even the largest and strongest attacker (I’ve read that in Great Britain, home invasions are a big problem and why wouldn’t it be if there is no fear from the the invaders that they can be resisted). As for depending on the police, this saying may sound trite but is true: “when seconds count, the police are minutes away”.

    As for the locker room talk, being an adult male and having spent six of those years in the Navy, Trump’s talk was a nothing-burger. Just watch any “comedy” movie or stand up routine to hear worse than what Trump said.

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