To the People of Ireland and the World


On May 25, 2018, a referendum will be held in Ireland on whether to repeal or retain the constitutional ban on abortion. How the Irish decide to vote it is of unutterable importance to all of us because the results of Friday’s election will have a ripple effect all over the world.

To the People of Ireland:

As you go to the polls this week to vote on the eighth amendment referendum, please step back for a moment and allow yourself to visit this issue anew. Strip away the politics and polemics – you’ve heard it all before.  Don’t be bogged down with polarizing details, revisit this issue from the silence of your heart, plum its depths, in God’s grace and time.  Hopefully, you will see this not as a sectarian diatribe but rather a call to a grace-filled meditation.

What did Mary say?

Graced by the presence of an angel – scared, uncertain, doubtful about the future.  How can I do this?   How can this be?  What will people say?  Her answer – yes!

What did your mother do?  Is this the right time?  If only we were more settled, if only we had more time, more money!  I’ll have to give up so much!  Her answer – Yes!  She had you!

Now, what will you do?

Through the course of Irish history runs the thread of a sacrificial spirit.  The thirst for freedom, the strength of truth and the desire for what is right are imprinted on each new generation.  History attests to the Irish race as being relentlessly on the side of the underdog.  A true force and voice in the world for freedom, justice, strength, and truth alongside an indomitable spirit.  Your great country seasoned the earth with missionaries, bringing our Catholic faith to millions in every part of the world.  You are credited with keeping western civilization alive during the dark days of the Middle Ages.  Will you continue this great tradition as you pivot on a new wedge of historical significance?


Why are you so desperate to snuff out the smoldering wick before it is lit,

Your children before they are even born?  They are alive!

They would embrace you in thankful love if they but had the chance.  Will you give it to them?

Women want “Choice” and rightly so within the correct context, so do the children.  Who will speak for them?  Who will speak for all the countless generations to follow?  You have been graced to live at this time in this place for a reason – you can do it.  You can speak for them now.  Will generations look back and say of you, “Aye, they’re the ones that got us out of that tight spot!”

What will you do this Friday?  Think of the One who was crucified on a Friday, a long time ago.  Gently place your thoughts and the weight of this tremendous decision on His shoulders.  Remember, He wants you to – “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”  He will unerringly guide you peacefully to the correct decision.

3:00 – The Hour of Divine Mercy.

Is this Ireland’s own “hour” of Divine Mercy?

Love is the answer – and trust.

Please continue to be that shining example of goodness you have always been for all the world to see, and be thankful.

Remember Mary – Trust & Love can make it happen.  You can make it happen.

Please pray for the Irish people as they go to the polls this week, we are all members of the one body of Christ – the way, the truth, and the life.  All Christians have a true obligation to pray for and support each other always.  The results of Friday’s election in Ireland will undoubtedly have a ripple effect not only in Ireland but all over the world – it is of unutterable importance.

By Brian McShane 

Brian was born and raised a Roman Catholic and is currently pursuing a career in Catholic Bioethics.  He lives in Morristown, NJ, USA.


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