The Work of the Sacristan

sacrifice, mass, wine, eucharist, chalice

sacrifice, mass, wine, eucharist, chalice

They are not always very obvious but they are not invisible either. Such is the liturgical role of the Sacristan within a parish.

Many parishes have a Sacristan, but some do not. But even in those parishes that have one, the Sacristan’s duties may seem mysterious to some observers.

The General Instructions of the Roman Missal describes the Sacristan’s role in Chapter III: Duties and Ministries in the Mass, in a single line

105. A liturgical function is also exercised by:

a) The sacristan, who diligently arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things that are necessary for the celebration of Mass.

The Sacristan’s role is, however, further spelled out in a book entitled Caeremoniale Episcoporum or the Ceremonial of Bishops, first published in 1886.

The holy preparations in which Sacristans are entrusted are the basic framework for the beautiful and sacred objects that are used and carried out before, during, and after the Mass.  It’s a serious job that one must undertake with care and wisdom.

In the Sacristy

Many of the Sacristan’s duties are related to taking care of the Sacristy (hence the name Sacristan) and the sacred items in the Sacristy. This is the secure area of the church which serves as a holding room for the sacred items used in the Holy Mass. It is usually a small room off to the side of the altar. In the sacristy, there is a standing observation of silence.

In this small space, all linens used in the Mass are cleaned according to strict requirements. The altar cloths are first soaked to remove any remnants of The Blessed Sacrament before laundering. This water containing the Holy Body must be poured directly into the sacrarium or onto the ground, no exceptions. The linens are then ironed and replaced.

The Sacristan usually arrives about thirty minutes before Mass begins. He or she makes sure the priest has the required collections for the altar. This includes the chalice, cruets, linens, oils, crosses, candles, and celebration bells. All must be kept in pristine condition. The Sacristan also ensures all lamps and candles have sufficient light to last for the entire Mass. At the priest’s discretion, the Sacristan may also be responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient fresh hosts and the proper amount of duly authorized wine for the communion procession.  Once Mass has ended, the altar cloths are cleaned, as is the altar itself.

Other duties

Once the sacred items are put away, the Sacristan sometimes sees to it that all books and bulletins have been cleared away in the pews. He or she may also help with training altar boys and decorating for weddings and funerals. Quite often Sacristans are also responsible for keeping the holy water reservoirs clean and filled at all times.

While there is no official training for a becoming a Sacristan, being well read in liturgical books and calendars is a must. He or she must be a regular parishioner approved by the pastor with a joyful willingness to serve. If you are interested in being a Sacristan for your parish, talk to your pastor. You may be needed more than you know.


Additional Sources:

Http:// (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2018, from

A Sacristans Duties. (2007, August 21). Retrieved January 22, 2018, from



8 thoughts on “The Work of the Sacristan”

  1. After mass, my priest leaves it up to the sacristan to clean the leftover particles of the Precious Body and Blood. Is that allowed?

  2. Pingback: Feature: Jesuit Sacristans by Lucy Menendez – Jesuit Chronicle

  3. I am a part time sacristan at my parish and do a great job, but there is one question that I need to know. I know that there has been a change in things are done after the masses, and that is, the Deacon,s and or detonates are rinsing out the vessels after mass before they are washed by the Eucharistic ministers. My question is, (would it be part of my job as well to help in rinsing out this liturgical vessels as well). I have my certificate in Liturgical Ministry and one of my studies was being a Sacristan. Please advise, Frank

    1. I’m a sacristan at our parish for a while and It is our job to rinse all liturgical vessels and rinse and washed the purificators and a lot more

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