The God Confirmation


Today there are many people who claim to be atheists. Some famous ones, like Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens, have even written books with the usual misapplication of scientific facts that somehow disprove the existence of God.  The purpose of this article will be to take a rational look at the world we live in, and how it proves that there is a God who created it all.

The Big Bang

A Belgian Catholic priest, Father Georges Lemaitre, came up with the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang theory basically states that all of the matter in the universe exploded from a single point, thus creating the stars, moons, planets, etc.  Before this theory, scientists had assumed that the universe had always been here for eternity. In 1933, Father Lemaitre even had to convince Albert Einstein of this. Einstein and other scientists didn’t want to believe in the Big Bang theory at first, because it sounded too much like the Bible story of creation, where God said, “Let there be light.”  It was much easier for atheist scientists to believe in no creation, rather than in creation.  But after a while, Father LeMaitre’s theory became accepted scientific fact. Edwin Hubbel’s observations of the universe further confirm that the universe is expanding, with planets and stars moving further and further away from the original point of creation.

The Theory of Relativity

One of the tenet’s of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, known as “Time Dilation,” says that time passes more slowly for fast moving objects than it does for stationary objects. Why is this important? Because another Jewish scientist named Gerald Schroeder has run the numbers of the speed of the ever-expanding universe and compared it to the time elapsed at the original point of the big bang. What he came up with is fascinating. Here on our moving earth, the time elapsed since creation is around 15 billion years, but at the origin in space of the big bang, not even six days have elapsed. Does this help to prove the Genesis story of creation?  For sure, it’s something to think about!

The Law of Entropy

One of the laws of physics is the law of entropy, which basically states that matter will always seek its most disordered state.  An example of this is when you drop a glass of water on the floor (a small bang!). There will be shards of glass everywhere, and the water will haphazardly spill, with no rhyme or reason.  But the exact timing and rational order of the movement of the stars, planets, and moons violate this law completely. The atheists would have you believe that the earth with its precise 24 hour days and its predictable 365¼  day orbit around the sun just kind of came together over millions of years, all on its own, with no master intelligence dictating these constants.  But that is ludicrous. The timing of your car ignition doesn’t happen all on its own; it was programmed to be as such by the auto manufacturer.  Just so, the precise movement of the planets and the moons and the stars didn’t “just happen” over time all by itself.  A great question to ask atheists is whether things in this world come together over time, all on their own, or do they rather decompose all on their own? Just take a look at an abandoned building and see for yourself. The fact that things come apart over time, rather than come together with timing, order, and beauty, is another proof for God.

Fine Tuning

Another example of a master intelligence (God) creating the universe is all of the fine tunings that occur daily in earth-related physics. For example, if the ratio of protons to neutrons were off by 1 trillion trillion trillionth, the earth would cease to exist. That number is equivalent to 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ! Other constants, such as the speed of light (186,000 miles per second) and the rate of acceleration of gravity (32.2 feet per second per second) are also examples of physical constants which are anything but random, and which are also very finely tuned.  These exact constants, along with many others, dictate that a master intelligence not only created them but also maintains them to an infinitesimal degree to maintain life on earth. The alternative would be exactness caused by randomness, which is a real stretch of the imagination!

Location, Location, Location

The earth is located in just the right place in the Milky Way Galaxy to observe the heavens and to sustain life. At the center of the galaxy, there are supernovas and black holes, which are certainly not conducive to maintaining life.  Here on earth, we are just the right distance from the sun (not too hot, not too cold) to stay alive and reproduce.  The Van Allen radiation belts protect us from the intense radiation that exists in outer space.  The sunlight, oxygen, and water on earth combine in perfect harmony to sustain all life here. Coincidence, or divine planning?

Our moon controls the tides, which circulates the water in the ocean. If this were not done, ocean currents would not occur, and this would negatively affect marine life, our weather, and the amount of nutrients available for fish to eat. The moon’s gravity also deflects asteroids and meteors, which is why there are so many craters on the moon. This means that our earth has been spared from impact by these celestial rocks many times.

The earth and the moon are both orbiting around the sun in excess of 66,000 miles an hour, every hour, night and day.  None of this movement is ever felt by any of us here on earth.


The sun is 92 million miles from the earth, and it is around 865,000 miles in diameter. The moon, on the other hand, is only 240,000 miles from earth and is only 2,159 miles in diameter.  Why are these numbers significant?  Because during an eclipse of the sun, the moon “appears” to us to be almost the same size as the sun.  Again, is this a random coincidence, or is it by design?

First Things

So how did the first human or humanoid get created on earth?  Darwin’s book, “The Origin of Species,” never addressed this question (The origin of life). The Book of Genesis says that God created Adam and Eve from the dust of the earth. Richard Dawkins, an atheist, proposes that maybe aliens landed on earth and created humans. But that begs the question, “Who created the aliens?” Still, other atheists come up with a rather fantastic theory (unrepeatable in a scientific environment) that lighting once hit a pool of water and gave the spark of life to amoebas, which later on “evolved” into human beings. But lightning is always deadly, not life-giving. If a bolt of lightning hits you, you will most likely be heated up to the temperature of the sun, and die. The novel “Frankenstein” has programmed us into believing that lightning can give life, but Jesus says in the Bible that he saw “satan fall like lightning from heaven,” which would mean that lightning is more associated with death, rather than with the origin of life.

Darwin Doubt

Even Darwin had some doubts about his own theories. Here is a quote from Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, Chapter 6, Difficulties of the Theory:

“Organs of extreme Perfection and Complication: To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”

Fossil Record

The fossil record certainly does NOT prove that man evolved from lower forms of life. The Cambrian Explosion, occurring around 542 million years ago, shows that complex forms of life with skeletons exploded onto the earth at one point in time, rather than in a slow, evolving, method.  What this means is that Darwin’s missing link (a skeleton which is half human/half ape) is still very much missing.  However, Catholics are still free to believe in God-driven evolution, rather than random evolution, where the human body evolved over time. (Conversely, it is a firm Catholic belief that each human soul is created for a specific purpose in an instant, through the will and the breath of God).  Pope Pius XII, in his encyclical Humani Generis, lays down some guidelines for Catholics in regards to evolution. Among them are that Adam and Eve were the first two human beings on earth,  and Adam did commit original sin through disobedience to God. More information on this can be found here.

Other Examples

There are many more examples of God’s fingerprints to be found on earth, such as the complementary nature of a man and a woman in reproduction.  The difference in the two bodies that create a baby is amazing – The physical attraction of the two sexes leading to the sperm in a man uniting with the egg of a woman, which somehow grows into a baby, and when born, grows into either a man or a woman. There is no way this magnificent process could be by random chance.

So many people say that they cannot see God, so, therefore, he doesn’t exist. But you can’t see an idea, and it exists. You can’t see love, and it exists. You can’t see a song you are downloading to your computer, but it exists. You can’t see the wind or air, but they exist. No, all you have to do is to find evidence of someone, like DNA at a crime scene, to know that the person was there. God’s fingerprints are all over the human genome, which has been mapped out in its entirety. It is much more complex and exact than the operating system running your computer right now. The human genome, once it is studied, certainly points to a vastly superior intelligence who created it, just like studying a computer program would lead one to believe that there is a human intelligence who created it. Timing, order, and beauty in nature are also examples of God’s fingerprints on earth.

The complexity and interrelatedness of nature are other examples of God. We are all told by the environmentalists that one part of nature affects another part of nature. For instance, if the bees disappear, then the plants disappear, then the animals disappear, and then humans will disappear.  Since this is true, one has to ask if this is an example of chance randomness, or is it rather by design?  Randomness is what happens when you shake up a bottle of soda and let the fizz go everywhere. Intricate design means that there is timing, order, and beauty in something, indicating a master intelligence, which certainly describes the natural world we live in.

Why Atheism?

So why are there so many people who don’t believe in God, in spite of all of the scientific evidence that plainly points to Him?  It could be that they had a horrible relationship with their earthly father, and therefore they hate the idea of a Father in heaven. Or, to some other people, their pride and ego blind them to the possibility of a greater intelligence, because they want to believe that they are the smartest person ever, and they want you to agree with them and buy their books. Still, others may not want to believe in God, because then, they would have to amend their lives and obey the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Christ.  But all of these reasons pale in comparison to the exorbitant amount of evidence for God found in our natural world.


7 thoughts on “The God Confirmation”


    WOW. How misleading this article is. The Darwin quote, as always when cited by theists, is incomplete, as he immediately thereafter explains how the eye is actually not of ” irreducible complexity”. The Big Bang numbers are meaningless. The orbits of the planets and such are actually not precise, they are ever changing. The fossil record is misrepresented here. The Cambrian explosion is a “relative” surge in body forms. Not as represented here, it still took tens of millions of years. The fossil record actually abounds with “transitional forms”. They have found hundreds of transitional fossils from ape to human. Dawkins, in point of fact, does not propose that “aliens landed on Earth and made humans”. He merely has agknowledged that the theory of panspermia( the early Earth may have been “seeded” by comets or meteors with the early building blocks of life, or early life). The moon appears to be “almost” the same size as the sun. That would be significant, if it was not ” almost”, but “exact”. Also, as time goes by , this relation of size will continue to change. The proton/neutron ratio stuff is just bull. This article is just pseudoscience tripe.

  2. There is still a significant gap between acknowledging the possibility of a creator (i.e. deism) and the personal God of Abraham.

  3. Pingback: FRIDAY CATHOLICA EDITION | Big Pulpit

  4. ‘Randomness is what happens when you shake up a bottle of soda and let the fizz go everywhere.’
    This requires some further delineation, because the admission of even one instance of material randomness would undermine your argument. When we say the fizz pattern is random, we mean (1) we are ignorant of the details of the physical forces in shaking the bottle and uncorking it and (2) we are intellectually incapable of recognizing the orderliness of the resultant pattern. When the word, random, is applied to material examples, it does not characterize their materiality. Rather, it characterizes human knowledge as deficient with respect to material forces in detail.
    Randomness vs. design in material reality is not a question to be answered by examining examples. It is a question of principle, namely, is material reality intelligible? Nevertheless, just one example of material randomness would demand a negative answer, universally applicable.

  5. A lot of self-proclaimed atheists are not really atheists. They’re actually rebelling against a form of theism. They also notice that theists tend to be wrong about so many other things.

  6. Pingback: Picturing God | Shared thoughts...

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