Are You In The Habit Of Comparing Yourself With Others?

frank - mary

frank - mary

When I was in high school and college, I struggled with body image. But as a young professional the Holy Spirit inspired me to do an experiment.

No matter how great or not-so-great I looked when I went to the gym to work out, those huge full-length mirrors in the aerobic studio would get me every time. I spent the time comparing.

I noticed who was exercising behind, beside, or in front of me. What were they wearing? What was their figure like? How did I stack up?

I had no idea what a downer comparing was until I started my “anti-comparing experiment”. I decided I would no longer compare myself with others.

I became blind my next trip to the gym. I looked at the floor and not the mirror, looking inward rather than unconsciously scanning my environment.

I instantly felt better about myself. I saw the burden comparing had been. Comparison-free days led to peace and self-acceptance. I went cold turkey with comparing in all areas of my life.

But the insecurities of starting anything new, particularly your own business, can trigger comparisons. You might compare yourself with other women who don’t have a business and do not have to juggle as much as you do. You might compare yourself with other entrepreneurs feeling like your business isn’t growing fast enough or big enough.

Be careful. Comparing can drag you and your business down. Here are signals you are comparing and what to do about them:

Approaching your business in a way or at a pace that doesn’t fit with your state in life or values

When your focus is on how others do things and not on your needs, you can get in the trap of  plowing ahead against your core values. For example, you may highly value attending to your kids, but say “yes” to things that disrupt your time with them just because you see someone else using those same approaches. You also may disregard your correct instincts about a common sense work schedule because are emulating what you think you see other entrepreneurs doing.

It is important go back to what is important to you, and order your business around it. The money may come slower. But with the right foundation, you will have a structure that can take you to your ultimate vision.

Buying into guilt

Living incongruent to your values breeds guilt. Guilt isn’t bad; it’s a warning sign. Guilt may signal your focus is too much on your neighbor rather than daily action towards your goals. The price of prolonged guilt is failing to understand and correct what is behind it.

Conflicted priorities

To be at peace with your business and your life you can’t just copy what someone else is doing, which is what comparing encourages. You are a unique person with a specific mission. Conflicted priorities flow from poor self-knowledge, which inhibits you finding creative solutions that untangle and reorder your priorities.

Too many strategies

The anxiety around comparing leads to adopting too many and often conflicting business and life strategies and goals. Instead of developing proficiency in a few areas, you dilute your time and attention. Taking regular retrospective time going inside yourself simplifies your activity goals, gives you peace, and ultimately, gives better business results.

Just as I deliberately shut down the comparing in my 20s, busy Christian woman entrepreneurs must audit and eradicate the mental practice of comparing. A peaceful mind allows you to reclaim the focus you need for a successful Christ-centered business.

Christian Women Entrepreneur Biz and Life Tip: Getting out of comparing reintroduces yourself to the thoughts, desires, and feelings of the genius behind your business – you!


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