The Enduring Perils of Divorce With Dr. Diane Medved


God says he hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). Jesus tells his followers that Moses only permitted divorce because of the hardness of their hearts and that divorce and remarriage constituted adultery (Matthew 19). Yet our culture has become more and more pro-divorce since no fault divorces laws were first passed (under Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1969). Divorce has lost its stigma.

Divorce is a Calamity

Dr. Diane Medved has written a comprehensive antidote to the “grass is greener” propaganda with her latest book, Don’t Divorce: Powerful Arguments for Saving and Revitalizing Your Marriage.

Married for 30 years to nationally syndicated radio host Michael Medved (who was a guest on Episode 002 of the show, talking about his new book The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic, Dr. Medved doubles down on the message of her 1989 book The Case Against Divorce.

If you’re in a troubled marriage and are tempted to part ways, or you’re looking for data-driven reasons why ending your marriage is a calamity for the whole family (and often for the friends of the divorcing couples), she has amassed an impressive array of evidence from the social sciences and her own practice.

In this interview, the observantly Jewish clinical psychologist makes all the important distinctions and offers actionable responses for couples undergoing trials within their marriages. This is a great one share with them!

The Patrick Coffin Show

You can access The Patrick Coffin Show by using an App, podcasts or videos.  Patrick’s interviews feature weekly interviews with A-list influencers and outliers in the effort to recover the Judeo-Christian roots of the culture. Patrick is the Canadian-born former host of Catholic Answers Live, and he has raving fans around the world. He injects these fascinating interviews with his own distinctive blend of depth and levity. If you’re tired of politically correct mediaspeak, you want to see God back in the public square, and you’re not allergic to having a laugh, this is the place to be.


10 thoughts on “The Enduring Perils of Divorce With Dr. Diane Medved”

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  3. If you’re anti-divorce, then you are necessarily also anti-annulment. Because you have to go through the first before the Church allows you to apply for the second.

    1. Divorce is a legal proceeding that, from the Church’s point of view, is valid insofar as inheritance, wills, and property rights are affected by the end of the marriage, civilly speaking. The Decree of Nullity would then obviously have to be contingent on the divorce being processed by the state. And said Decree is the announcement that there never was a valid marriage to begin with, and so both parties are free to marry if they choose.

  4. So, yes, divorce is bad, divorce effects family and kids, not an ideal solution to discord….a trite line of reasoning respecting a 2000+ year old dictum.
    Your spouse sexually abuses one of your kids, your spouse beats you to a pulp repeated rages, your spouse rapes you repeatedly (does happen), your spouse daily humiliates you and verbally batters you …your souse refuses to leave because these sick behaviors amuse him. Your spouse is in jail for murder, or a hate crime, etc.etc. Divorce and the need for a civil court order for custody and child support and alimony is necessary for the remnants of purity in the unit. Many couples can work things out, in many cases it’s better they do not….you arguments are weak and flaccid and outdated. No one should remain in a perpetually toxic relationship for any reason.

    1. “Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store,
      Caught from some unhappy master whom unmerciful Disaster
      Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden bore-
      Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore
      Of ‘Never- nevermore’.”

      I knew no one named Lenore.

    2. Adam, better to sharpen your sword before you swing it. Your angrified hyperbole doesn’t reflect well on you. The Catholic Church does *not* teach that abuse victims must continue being abused, nor even live in the same domicile. My weak, flaccid, outdated, argument is that of Jesus Christ, in Matthew 19 and elsewhere. Many people are drawn TO the Church because of her consistent defense of the real nature of marriage and its indissolubility (Decrees of Nullity notwithstanding). Imagine that.

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