Archbishop Charles Chaput: Living the Catholic Faith in a Post-Christian World

patrick coffin

patrick coffinThe Patrick Coffin Show podcast features weekly interviews with A-list influencers and outliers in the effort to recover the Judeo-Christian roots of the culture. Patrick is the Canadian-born former host of Catholic Answers Live, and he has raving fans around the world. He injects these fascinating interviews with his own distinctive blend of depth and levity. If you’re tired of politically correct media speak, you want to see God back in the public square, and you’re not allergic to having a laugh, this is the place to be.

Archbishop Charles Chaput

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia speaks with the same direct, guile-free way he writes. As a pastor of a large American city, he knows his audience: They are largely post-Christian, cynical about “organized religion,” and don’t abide clichés and easy grace. Archbishop Chaput (pronounced SHAP-you) is also a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi tribe, the second Native American to be consecrated a bishop in the United States and the first Native American archbishop.

You might say he comes from a non-immigrant family. I spoke with him about his latest book, Strangers in a Strange Land: Living the Catholic Faith in a Post-Christian World, a sort of follow-up to the thesis he laid out seven years ago in First Things journal essay, “Catholics and the Next America.” That America is here. Ignited Catholics eager to spread the gospel…not so much. Chaput has been called “alarmist” by the usual suspects in the lamestream media. Christian realist is more accurate. As Christian leaders go, His Excellency is hard-headed and soft-hearted, not the other way around. You’ll find this a conversation worth sharing after you enjoy it yourself.



4 thoughts on “Archbishop Charles Chaput: Living the Catholic Faith in a Post-Christian World”

  1. How could there be a post Christian world ? Christ said His Kingdom is not of this world. Why would you say this has been a Christian world? The Catholic Church is the major contributor of the world’s debauchery. Now the wolves in sheep clothing come out to play, and pretend they want to fix what they have broken. Chaput says we can “learn” from the Mormons on family values, what an ass. The Mormons believe in polygamy, and believe they will have endless concubines in the Afterlife. Yes we Catholics won’t go to the teachings of the Church to learn good family values we shall go to the Mormons. Yeah good answer good answer. Family Feud out of one idiot surveyed “Where would one go to learn about family values?” The number one answer is… ? can you tell us Patrick Collins ?

    1. Post Christian in a sense that the Western world of Christianity has slipped away and become increasingly secular. yet, it is one we have to live through. Understanding how we arrived at this spot and how to deal with it is necessary. As far as the Mormon element – stop taking him out of context. He is fully aware of the flaws and doctrinal differences of Mormons – yet, he can appreciate certain aspects of their culture. Stop trying to be so overly critical and superior.

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  3. The groaning in The Spirit of our Father figures , about many in the world moving away from
    the truth of who we are – the beloved of The Father in The Lord , thus their warning of the potential to be ‘ post Christian ‘ ; thank God that many also desire to live the motto – ‘Jesus , I trust in Thee ‘ , as did St.Mathew , in turn trusting more that that at every Holy Mass , our Lord does the wonderful work of ‘ annihilation and creation ‘ , like He did for many a sinner and
    as mentioned by St. Padre Pio , who also said how the world might make it without the sun but not without the Holy Mass ; thus our gratitude to all who have followed The Lord , in the priestly ministry
    of helping us to be dead to our fleshly ways and idols , to live in the newness of heart , in The Spirit .

    The judgments we read in O.T , seen as from a ‘ wrathful ‘ Father could have made many hold onto fears and not seen the truth of how the wordings about the flesh falling in heaps etc ;can also be
    in reference to what takes place at the Holy Mass , our fleshly ways being burned up .

    Many from faiths that deny that truth , thus serving to bring in the torrents of flood through secular writings against His truth and persons putting in excess focus on such even in places that need not – seems such a change does not have to be that difficult

    Instead , there can be a deeper focus on the truth of His mercy , all through history and lives , thus to help persons to read the Scriptures too , more at a ‘ personal level ‘ ,as written for each of us , a Father having foreseen each of us , before creation .

    Such a truth could be what can help persons, from feeling like grains of sand , instead of the truth , of being beloved of the Lord , our Rock , thus to be better at our own priestly roles of bringing all to His mercy and deliverance , helping others too , to take in the rightful roles and identity as His children , taking delight in Him .

    Simple measures such as families taking time to chant the psalms , as two sets when possible , recognizing that the curses and judgments in there that can bring us the unease are dealt with by
    The Lord and such practices being made more widespread in schools / colleges etc too , instead of
    too much focus on secular literature / sports – hope we do see the potential for much good , in a sort of a ‘ virtual monastic ‘ life in the culture .

    God bless !

    St.Padre Pio , St Mathew , pray for us all .

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