Why Women Wear Chapel Veils – And Should You Too?

I did not grow up wearing a chapel veil, but I remember hearing the stories from my mother about being required to wear one to Mass. It never occurred to me why a veil was required at one point and then all of sudden it was not. I thought it was just a bygone pre-Vatican II tradition.

Throughout college, I heard ridicule directed at girls and women who were continuing the tradition:

“Don’t these women realize we’ve entered the 21st Century?”

“Women being required to cover their heads for Mass is sexist and misogynistic; not to mention a complete setback for women’s rights.”

Then, when I was inspired to wear one – along with the other women in my family – we were ridiculed as well. We were called “weird” and “orthodox,” as if carrying on an ancient tradition was somehow shameful.

And yet, many people, including the women who are curiously angered by such a tradition, really don’t know how or why the tradition started. More to the point, many people have never bothered to ask why some women, myself included, have decided to carry on that tradition.

The Tradition Begins                                  

The wearing of the veil, or mantilla, is a tradition that has its beginning in the early Church. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul tells of the importance of the veil for a woman:

“And whereas any man who keep his head covered when he prays or utters prophecy brings shame upon his head, a woman brings shame upon her head if she uncovers it to pray or prophesy; she is no better than the woman who has her head shaved. If a woman would go without a veil, why does she not cut her hair short too if she admits that a woman is disgraced when her hair is cut short or shaved, then let her go veiled…Judge for yourselves; is it fitting that a woman should offer prayer to God unveiled? Does not nature itself teach you that, whereas it is a disgrace to a man to wear his hair long, when a woman grows her hair long, it is an added grace to her? That is because her hair has been given her to take the place of a veil.” (1 Corinthians 11:4-16)

Other early Christian writers, such as Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria also supported this custom of wearing the veil.

A Symbol of Respect

Tertullian praised the custom, not for its supposed misogynistic implications, but rather for its symbolism of respect towards virginity. Tertullian’s and Saint Paul’s writings explain the meaning of the custom – that women, and more specifically virgins, should be known to God alone. Furthermore, the veil was seen as a symbol of chastity and humility:

“And, of course, that ought to have been chosen which keeps virgins veils, as being known to God alone . . . For that custom which belies virgins while it exhibits them, would never have been approved by any except by some men who must have been similar in character to the virgins themselves. Such eyes will wish that a virgin be seen as has the virgin who shall wish to be seen. The same kinds of eyes reciprocally crave after each other. Seeing and being seen belong to the self-same lust. To blush if he see a virgin is as much a mark of a chaste man, as of a chaste virgin if seen by a man.” (Tertullian, On the Veiling of Virgins, Ch. 2).

A Symbol of Modesty

The wearing of a veil was customary in the Jewish culture. Jewish sources point out that it was for modesty during a time when society was aware of, and even afraid of sexuality and its dangers.

Throughout early Christian culture, the veil was again seen as a symbol of modesty. To be without a veil was a sign of indecency and impropriety. Furthermore, it was customary to shave a woman’s head as punishment for infidelity – the equivalent of the Puritans making an adulteress wear the scarlet letter ‘A’ sown onto her garment during the 1600s. This is why Saint Paul compares a woman unveiled to a woman shaved, as this was a sign of disgrace, impropriety, and disrespect. As Saint Paul points out later in the same letter to the Corinthians, hair for a woman was a physical sign of feminine beauty and for it to be taken away was going against nature – thus a disgrace to femininity.

Throughout his letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul points out the importance of gender differences and the role each plays in God’s plan – to deviate would be unnatural, disgraceful, and sinful. Of course, it’s important to not focus too much on Saint Paul’s opinion on women’s hair – as if a woman is committing an egregious sin in cutting her hair. At the same time it would be a disservice to the Apostle to skip over his main point on the importance of gender differences and keeping with the natural law – the hair and veil being one example emphasizing those gender differences.

The Significance of the Veil

So covering the head stemmed from cultural custom as well as early Christian tradition. It was carried over as Catholic tradition for the same reasons. However, the significance of the veil has since changed from the cultural tradition from whence it began.

Contrary to what some other religions or cultures may profess, the modern Catholic tradition of wearing a veil does not signify women’s subservience to men. Neither does it have anything to do with shame or guilt. Rather, the veil has been used to cover something that is sacred – that which the veil covers should be cherished, respected, and adored. Take, for example, the use of a veil to cover the Holy of Holies or the Ark of the Covenant in Judaism. For Catholics, a veil covers the Tabernacle that houses our Lord. Similarly, the altar, where the perfect sacrifice of Our Lord is made, is veiled. The chalice, which contains our Lord’s blood, is also veiled. If we veil the very Center of our Faith, how then, is a veil upon a woman’s head any less dignified?

Today the use of the veil is considered a visible act of modesty and humility. A veil is not worn out of guilt, or as an act of subservience, or out of shame for feminine beauty, but rather as a sign of reverence and surrender to God’s will.

The Bride and The Church

“You who are husbands must show love to your wives, as Christ showed love to the Church when he gave himself up on its behalf.” (Ephesians 5:25)

“. . . The time has come for the wedding-feast of the Lamb. His bride has clothed herself in readiness for it . . .” (Revelation 19:7-8)

We are all familiar with the Scripture passages referring to Christ as the Bridegroom and the Church as His Bride. Husbands are supposed to love their wives in the same way that Christ loves the Church, and wives are supposed to submit to their husbands as the Church submits to Christ.

The veil is this visible reminder of submission. Of course, today, if we hear the words women and submission in the same sentence, many people automatically spout a feminist disapproval. However, the veil as a symbol is not supposed to be a symbol of submission to men, but rather to Christ’s love. It’s a reminder of obedience to Christ and a symbol of humility before God. The wearing of the mantilla is not to say that women are not worthy of Christ because they are women. Rather, wearing the mantilla is merely another physical and visible reminder of all of humanity’s unworthiness compared to Christ.

Men throughout history have recognized their unworthiness – Saint John the Baptist (John 1:27) for example. Also, Saint Peter, our first pope and leader of the Church saw himself unworthy to be killed like Christ, and so requested to be crucified upside down.

And even the greatest woman of all, our Blessed Mother, recognized her role as one of submission and obedience (Luke 1:38).

A Calling, Not a Mandate

For sure, the mantilla is not and never should be, a mandate. It would do the tradition a great disservice, turning the sacred meaning of the veil into a rule simply to follow. Much like other sacramentals, such as the scapular, the veil is a calling. Wearing a veil should not be a fashion statement, or an act of pious pompousness. Wearing the mantilla is a way to show devotion to virtue – piety, humility, modesty, and obedience.

But in today’s society, wearing a veil has also become counter-cultural. It’s a way to be fortitudinous. It does not mean that one is less than another or better, for people live virtuous lives in different ways. The veil is an outward sign of the heart. It’s a desire to make visible your obedience to the will of God.

We are all called to live out our Catholic faith in a visible way, and the veil is just one way for women to show devotion to Christ.


55 thoughts on “Why Women Wear Chapel Veils – And Should You Too?”

  1. Pingback: What’s That Thing On Your Head?! – Teens for Christ (T4C)

  2. Pingback: Sacramentals and Sacraments – Romans 10:9

  3. Very interesting reading the modern view on women covering their hair while in God’s house. I remember when it was normal for women to cover their head while in Church. The veil or mantilla is a choice, women also wore hats in the old days. Indeed the more affluent women would be wearing very posh hats, and in reality it was a competition to see who had the nicest hat…. a fashion statement for those who could afford it. We were told the reason women were required to cover their hair in Church was because, and there is no fancy way to say this; but it appears some men are turned on by women’s hair especially if they have beautiful hair. So it is not about submission, it is about NOT leading men into temptation in God’s house. The same goes for not going to Church immodestly dressed. It appears men are turned on by the sight of female flesh. This sounds comical to me as an old woman; but that is what we were told, and I have come to realise it is true as I have got older. Now, I don’t worry, who would be affected by an old flabby wrinkled prune; but you never know. LOL. God bless and thank you for sharing this modern insight into modesty.

    1. I agree Antoinne. This is such a dated, sexist “tradition” that does not define the holiness of a person. This practice should be eradicated from the Church, and anyone who still supports women wearing veils for the sole purpose of a man’s Church experience is a FOOL.

      – your friend Darryl

    2. I know a female parishioner that wears a veil during Mass. She feels more comfortable wearing one. I think it is up to the individual person to decide.

  4. I like veiling, but I have the hardest time keeping it on when dealing with nursing covers, putting my baby in the carrier, carrying around my toddler, etc. It falls off, and putting it back on is distracting for me and others. Yes, I am sure I could find a way, but for me, I don’t find it worth it. But I’m glad others do!

  5. Pingback: Few Catholic Links I visit | Faith and Family3

  6. Men who pray with their head covered dishonor the LORD. Women who pray with their head covered, bring honor, to the LORD and show everyone INCLUDING the angels, that they are submitting. It’s symbolic. Just like baptism is symbolic to the new birth, and born again experience. It’s symbolic just like “communion” shows and reminds us that Jesus shed his blood on the Cross for our sins. The veil or head covering is symbolic, that the woman is in submission to her husband, and to Christ and represents the “bride” of Christ. Women’s liberation has infiltrated the church. Women are to respect their husband and show honor. Men are supposed to LOVE their wives. Eve sinned and brought death. The virgin Mary, brought our SAVIOR through her womb, and is symbolic of the new birth, (spiritually). I think that we just need to obey and not question God’s word. Eve was our (physical mother) and brought sin and death Mary is our (spiritual mother)… who brought JESUS our Savior, LIFE and peace eternal life, and JOY, But we should not pray to Mary. We are to pray as Jesus taught, in Matthew 6:9-13

  7. Reading (1 Corinthians 11:4-16) quoted above, it says that a woman’s hair acts as a veil. “That is because her hair has been given to her to take the place of a veil.” The passage seems to be saying if a woman cuts her hair short, than a veil could take the place of hair.

    1. I cover too. I wear a hat, or little veil, to church. It says to cover when you pray or prophecy. BECAUSE of the Angels, the angels, are with us and observing. I think it so awesome. It’s not a “bondage” or “legalism”, it’s a beautiful symbol, at church! I don’t believe wearing a covering 24 hours a day because that takes away from the whole sacredness and reason we wear one. We shouldn’t be like Muslims that is legalism, and is of the world. We should cover at church, when we pray or prophecy, because of the angels. Women who cover ALL day long are in error.

    2. I humbly disagree. The first half of 1 Cor 11, is very specific regarding “head covering”. A man should not cover his head, and a woman should, BECAUSE of the Angels, and BECAUSE of the symbolic picture.

  8. I felt the call to veil recently. I read about the practice for a couple of months, discussed it with my husband and went for it. Tomorrow will be the second Sunday of my veiling. I am in love with the practice, as it truly brings me closer to the Lord. It makes the celebration of mass a more intimate experience.

    I was terrified at first, but in a very short time it feels like I have done it forever. One of my teenage daughters has also joined me in veiling. I recommend to anyone who feels the call to try it. The Lord doesn’t steer us in the wrong direction Ladies. He shows us what we are meant to do.

  9. As one who came of age during Vatican II, I remembered all women wearing veils, mantillas or hats when attending Mass or adoration. After the introduction of the Novus Ordo Mass, I started seeing women abandoning the covering of their heads.
    Although at the time I didn’t know why many were jettisoning this practice, I did not want to be different and so I also started the practice.
    After so many years, I have returned veiling for Mass. My reasons… I learned it was never outlawed in any of the documents of Vatican II and I perceived it as a sign of reverence towards my Lord and my God. It also allows me to take cover when deep reflection, meditation or contemplations overwhelmed me.
    It has never bothered me nor have I ever cared what anyone thinks or says about it. But I have found it has brought within me a deeper reflection for reverence during the liturgy of the Mass and during adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
    I however believe, it should never be used as a fashion statement nor as a “holier than thou attitude” or to shame others into covering up.
    I do recommend it highly for those who wish to do it.

    1. I’m a priest. I have many women covering. Many will cover but then wear pants or even tight legging or yoga pants. I think the veiling is defeated when teh clothing is immodest. When women veiled in the past they word modest dresses. What say y’all? Do I suggest that veils go with modest dresses, not old jeans or tight clothing or just shut up?

    2. Yes, Father Khouri, I would agree modest clothing goes with veiling. Clothing should be ideally not showing too much, not too tight, feminine, and not too casual for mass. But I do see brave teen girls at mass veiling when 99% of the women at my parish don’t veil. They seem to need a few pointers on modesty from their moms sometimes, but I always just mostly admire their intentions. How brave and devoted of them to wear a veil to mass.

  10. Pingback: Wearing Veils To Mass: A Sign of Devotion to Jesus • Jennifer McCollum

  11. Pingback: Why Women Wear Chapel Veils – And Should You Too? | Newsessentials Blog

  12. There is one woman who wears it; she has it in each liturgical color.

    I wear a scarf too (if weather is bad), but I suppose it’s not quite the same…but still at least my head is covered.

  13. In Bible study I was told that the passage of St. Paul about women’s hair is to be understood in the context of the pagan idol worship at the temples in Corinth. It is my understanding that there were women pagan temple prostitutes who wore their hair down, letting it be known that they were sexually available, and that bound hair was a sign of modesty and respectability. The pagan temples at Corinth were places of drunken orgies. I was also told that the wearing of hoods was associated with men engaging in pagan idol worship.

    1. thank you for being the one soul who puts context and historical perspective into a legalistic (veiled- word chosen correctly- in thoughts of devotion while actually rendering to paulistia writing in which he directly contradicts christian and catholic theology saying woman is not in the image or glory of god- this veiling is absolutely linked to similar islamic practices in which women claim to not be secondarily viewed but in fact are- and in which legalistic orthodox extremists call for such veiling in the name of modesty, anti-modernity, etc. just in this same apologist vein. it is all coming from the same reactionary and oppressive place and certainly not from godly inspiration- the distorted idea that the world liberated women and god asks them to veil is backwards- christianity liberated women from greco-roman traditions which saw them in the pauline way (derived from men, not whole)- the fact that some catholic orthodox arguments now say the world’s recognition of men and women’s equality is the problem need to look again- it’s the reactionary kickback that is the problem- if the world goes to far at times in liberating true oppression, that does not call for the people of god to go backwards in the name of “difference” and “distinction”.

  14. “Contrary to what some other religions or cultures may profess, the
    modern Catholic tradition of wearing a veil does not signify women’s
    subservience to men. Neither does it have anything to do with shame or
    guilt. Rather, the veil has been used to cover something that is sacred –
    that which the veil covers should be cherished, respected, and adored.
    Take, for example, the use of a veil to cover the Holy of Holies or the
    Ark of the Covenant in Judaism. For Catholics, a veil covers the
    Tabernacle that houses our Lord. Similarly, the altar, where the perfect
    sacrifice of Our Lord is made, is veiled. The chalice, which contains
    our Lord’s blood, is also veiled. If we veil the very Center of our
    Faith, how then, is a veil upon a woman’s head any less dignified?”

    If this is to be believed, and not the double-speak of some of the comments, then ALL (men and women) should have our heads covered. To say it’s a practice only for one gender sets up an inequality. How can one gender show respect differently from the other? Why would that be needed?

    1. Wow…great subject I guess as it generated interesting comments and some bitterness too it seems. I grew up with women covering their heads and men uncovering them…both done out of respect. My reaction over time for the women was that it reminded me of, and still does, of my mind picture of Mother Mary! Looking for a practical reason, I settled on the fact that even though it’s unpopular today for men to walk on the street side, or open doors, or remove headgear in the presence of a woman, I still believe the respect is warranted and anything but belittling to them. In addition, men being men I assumed also that a woman’s beauty would be a natural and purely human distraction to them in Church that is not prudent, so modesty on the woman’s part would encourage and stimulate men to be focused on the Godliness of the woman and not on the human beauty God gave them. That if anything is a slap at men for being men and again not a belittling of women at all. Just some thoughts…thanks.

    2. Rick, I am no expert on veiling or theology, but here’s my 2 cents anyway. Men and women ARE different and I thank God for that. This doesn’t mean we’re unequal, just different. I like to use the word ‘complementary’ when describing those differences. We have different, but equal, roles and purposes that complement each other.

      I think of veiling for women in that way. Women who veil are complementary to men who don’t veil. Each shows respect for God, but in different ways according to their nature of femininity or masculinity. I am NOT saying that women who don’t veil are being disrespectful towards God or that it is the ONLY way to show respect. I just see veiling as a uniquely feminine way of manifesting that sign of respect which doesn’t apply to men due to their masculinity.

    3. exactly. this is just typical apologetics for legalistic reading without context and in a reactionary way to so-called “worldliness”– Theologically, since when was the world of the source of the liberation of women into their full human dignity? And since when does the church become the oppressor of such? Collett symbolic of difference or not, there is no need to distinguish the difference with a veil, when clearly this has always been a reiteration of Paul’s own words of woman not being in the image of God. That is clearly a cultural and a sexist idea that has no place in Christian practice, and using the Scriptures out of context while ignoring the real true history of the oppression an active denigration of women and now proposing it as theologically, since when was the world of the source of the liberation of women into their full human dignity? And since when does the church become the oppressor of such? Collett symbolic of difference or not, there is no need to distinguish the difference with avail, when clearly this has always been a reiteration of Paul’s own words of woman not being in the image of God. That is clearly a cultural and a sexist idea that has no place in Christian practice, and using the Scriptures out of context while ignoring the real true history of the oppression an active denigration of women and now proposing it as a “liberating” gesture? Truly distorted. Jesus always has been and the church should continue to be, in the world of saint John Paul II question the channel for the Holy Spirit who is behind the recognition of women’s dignity and full equality with men, the motives John Paul himself said are behind feminism – that is not to say everything done and it’s name is perfect, but it is to underlined that is in fact truth-based. This reactionary difference dialogue is just that – reactionary and regressive.

    4. amen. thank you. Bring the spirit of truth to the conversation. This legalistic, orthodox and regressive reactionary approach to taking scripture out of context is the exact same thing that happens all over the world in radical and oppressive movements in every religion and every political movement. This is no different than Islam make extremists really enforcing the veil in the name of “tradition “modesty “law “holiness. It’s a sad symbol of misunderstanding the truly sexist nature of these Greco Roman traditions and the way that Paul talks about women not being the glory of God and not being created directly in the image of God should immediately alert anyone who is in tune with the spirit that Those are false the allergies, heresies. The church is recognize the world the nature of this church tradition and abolished it in the spirit of truth. The fact that that same spirit of truth drives feminism is something that Saint John Paul the second clearly stated – calling himself the feminist pup. That doesn’t mean we have to embrace every single act of feminism or of worldly understanding of equal dignity, but it certainly means we need to not be the ones who go back to those symbols an outward signs of that worldly oppressive tradition of women. We are the liberators with Christ, with the word of God we should be bringing underlining in our outward and inward symbols the true dignity and full equality of women and men in God.

  15. In the cited passage from Corinthians, are we to surmise that it is somehow either sinful or disgraceful for women to have short hair and for men to have long hair? Seriously? Highlighting nonsense such as this only further delegitimizes scripture on issues that really matter. Spreading the good news is difficult enough without having to address blatantly irrelevant, sexist and outdated notions of social norms that existed 2000 years ago.

    1. thank you, thank you, thank you. this is the spirit of truth. thank you. starting to feel the oppressive energy of reactionary and legalistic thinking and orthodoxy that has no sense of the true spirit of these laws when they were originally written that actually were still steeped in the Greco Roman oppression of women and blatantly sexist ideas of women not coming from God directly, but for men. Of them and not being worthy of showing her head because she’s not the glory of God, but only the man. How can people not see that so clearly? It pains me to see women doing this even though I know in their hearts it’s coming from a beautiful place, because unwittingly they are transmitting exactly what the Muslim veiling does for me, The ugly face of claiming to do something godly while pressing and degrading women’s full human dignity and outward symbolic manifestation of such in the name of “modesty “spirituality “law”
      “tradition”. Jesus was a tradition and oppression radical liberator. Especially women. So is the Holy Spirit.

    2. Women would only cut their hair when in deep mourning. To cut your hair while your husband was still alive WOULD be disgraceful in that context.

      One of the early church fathers wrote a rather actually sexist piece arguing that unmarried women should cover their hair, too. This lets us know that Paul was understood by those who read the passage to refer ONLY to married women, then. (The word for “wives” and the word for “women” was the same in Greek–same for “man” and “husband.”) In the context of the day, married women covered their hair in public. Not fully–in fact, rich women perched the veils on top of their elaborate braids. It was more of a mark of marriage than a wedding ring now is, it just wasn’t worn in private occasions inside a house. So then you have the issue of covering or not covering the hair at a meeting of the church body. If often happened in an intimate house setting. So maybe no veil? But then it was kind of public. So maybe veil? That would be one source of contention. There’s also the idea of what we are as Christians vs. what we are in society. Maybe you should remove the veil, they symbol of a temporary earthly marriage, when you are celebrating your position as co-heir with Christ.

      Paul viewed the church/bride and Christ/bridegroom as essential patterns and parallels and felt that you can’t discard the symbols of one without shaming the other.

      The purpose of hair-veiling was absolutely not to hide away the woman in such a way not to be sexually attractive AT ALL. The veils of that era covered only the top of the head, leaving the face, neck, and front of hair fully exposed. Paul’s passages on modesty were not referring to covering up but wearing flashy, expensive things–Paul disapproves of your designer purse. Pretty much all the clothes covered the same amount of the body on everyone (except the togas that Roman male citizens paid fines at various times rather than have to wear all the time–they were a lot more cumbersome than women’s clothes!), so the idea of covering up more or less wasn’t even a part of the mindset.

      Remember that virgins went WITHOUT veils until their wedding day. If you wanted to keep men from creeping on women, it would be the young nubile ladies, not the grandmothers, who would need veiling. And again, based on the guy who felt it necessary to recommend that maidens also veil, we know that 100+ years after Paul, it was only the married ladies who were veiling.

  16. I don’t understand why St. Paul a Jewish man would say it is shameful for a man to pray with his head covered and not women? Jewish men must wear prayer shawls and cover their head when in prayer. And they still do that, whereas it’s uncertain if woman wore head coverings like men did in prayer. Jewish women today are arrested in Israel for covering their head in a prayer shawl.

    I just don’t understand, I’d like to but don’t.


    1. Kathryn Groening

      Jerry S talks about that above. It seems like a good argument. I do not know my history well enough to know if this is the case, but it might be. We are 2,000 years away from St. Paul’s reasoning. It is a pity we do not have the letters written to him (with their questions) that he was answering.

  17. Pingback: Why Women Wear Chapel Veils – And Should You Too? | Catholic Torch

  18. Although I was not Catholic at the time I am old enough to remember women attending the Catholic church wearing veils. Now I am a Catholic and this article clarifies the purpose of that veil. I would encourage that practice and will look for ways to further experience the presence of the Eucharist.

  19. In her book Paul Among the People, Sarah Ruden says women were veiled in the interests of equality. In Roman society, only upper class women wore veils. They had status and protection. Unveiled women were either lower class, or slaves or prostitutes. Paul wanted all women veiled, since all women were equally beloved by God, and all should be protected.

    Similarly, men remove their hats, since headgear often denotes official status. Think a soldier’s helmet or a chef’s hat. By removing their hats, they remove that status, and stand equal in the eyes of God.

    1. Kathryn Groening

      Assuming this is an accurate telling, this, to me, is the one convincing argument. Paul talks about short hair, which I have. I guess if I follow all the traditions, I ought to have long hair, since short hair is shameful.

    2. ruthi carrillo, ofs

      But we need to remember that culture changes – in our culture today, short hair is not a sign of disgrace or sinful. But the veil remains the tangible symbol of your submission to God, and if you feel called to wear it, by all means do so! I also liked this argument.

    3. Kathryn Groening

      I am not sure why wearing a veil would not change as culture changes. It seems that wearing a veil may have been a way to bring about a leveling of status between men and women some 2,000 years ago, and possibly to differentiate between the new Christian community (and possibly the Jews) with the pagans–Romans, Greeks, etc, who were behaving in scandalous ways. Now, of course, we have Islam, which, depending on whom you believe, demands (or maybe not) the wearing of various types of head scarves, face veils, etc by the women. Women who do not do so may be arrested, thrown in prison, stoned. (Some years back, I remember reading about an incident where a fire broke out in a Saudi girl’s school, and the girls died because they could not put on their veils fast enough to escape the flames/smoke.) I used to veil. Not so much now because it the veil/head coverings have become totally politicized. There are women who risk their lives in Iran taking off their veils.

  20. However, the veil as a symbol is not supposed to be a symbol of
    submission to men, but rather to Christ’s love. It’s a reminder of
    obedience to Christ and a symbol of humility before God.

    Then even though I am a man it would probably be a good idea for me to start wearing a veil.

    1. My understanding is that, as the Church is the Bride of Christ, so each woman is a sign of the Church. That’s why St. Paul says the man should love his wife as Christ loves the Church. Therefore it is appropriate for women to veil in the Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, whereas men uncover their heads in church. Man and Woman signify Christ’s love for His Bride the Church, and every Mass is the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. So especially at Mass we are mindful of this symbolism and veil or unveil accordingly.

    2. A veil is also a symbol that a woman, Mary, was a tabernacle to Christ as His mother. Every woman similarly holds the mystery of bringing life into the world and is thereby a sacred place.

    3. @buckyinky. The purpose of women wearing a veil and dressing modestly is to avoid tempting the male urges of the flesh. Females are not as easily tempted at the sight of a male. So the veiling is a woman humbly accepting God’s Will that women should not tempt men as Eve tempted Adam. IMHO

  21. I wear a veil whenever or wherever the Blessed Sacrament is present…..at Mass, when in any Catholic Church anytime, when in any Catholic Chapel with the Blessed Sacrament, when taking part in outdoor Eucharistic processions, etc.

  22. Mary Pesarchick

    I was so delighted to see your article! I felt called to start wearing a veil at Mass about a year ago. I realized how desensitized I had become to the Real Presence in the Eucharist and was looking for a way to refocus myself on Him. Although it was difficult at first to overcome my fear of standing out from the crowd and appearing all “holier than thou”, wearing the veil has become a very precious thing to me. As you correctly point out, it shouldn’t be a mandate. But I would definitely encourage any woman who is thinking about veiling to give it a try. It will add a depth to your prayer life and your experience of the Mass.

    1. while I respect and honor your immensely beautiful desire to be more attuned to the real presence, as a woman, I certainly do not feel like I see in a woman feeling “holier than thou” – I actually see a very painful sign of a regression to a spirit of worldliness in which, starting with the Greeks and the Romans, women’s distinctions like this, as they are in Islam, are actually rooted in worldliness and certainly not in holiness. And ideas of women being less than men – all of the apologetics in the world do not disguise the fact that that is exactly how Paul’s thinking goes when he says that man is the glory of God and woman is the glory of men–when he says Man came directly from God and woman came from ent. All non-theological, non-catechist stories of men and women’s design since we are both in the image of God this, then, is to be understood as worldly and culturally influence, historically contextual writing by Paul. Clearly, that is why the church fathers change this church law. We have been liberated from the worldliness. The worthiness of failing. The world should never be further ahead of the recognition of the equal dignity of women then the church herself.

    2. @Mary Pesarchick, reading your post is very encouraging. I posted earlier about how we used to wear head covering until after the Second Vatican Council. I remember Priests in sermons saying many head coverings were being used as fashion statements, they were becoming more about vanity than modesty in a nutshell. This is pretty much why it was easy to stop wearing head scarves, hats, or mantilla’s. Who wants to pursue vanity. This has meant the baby (head covering) has been thrown out with the bath water as they say.
      It was and is all about modesty. And I do agree with you, a mantilla or veil does help focus ones attention on the Lord. Praised be Jesus and Mary.

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