Accelerated Changes: Disappearing Faith

Greg Yoko

It took roughly 1,750 years after Jesus Christ walked the Earth for the United States of America to be formed and organized by a group of European refugees seeking religious and political freedom.

Yet, less than 200 years later, the country founded upon fundamentally Christian ideals had become the economic engine and global defender for the world. This was accomplished by ensuring freedom and welcoming individual ingenuity and opportunities for every citizen.

Not without mistakes, of course, but the United States had managed to establish itself as a respected nation offering numerous freedoms (e.g, speech, religion, representative democracy) and opportunities (e.g., education, ownership of land and/or homes, entrepreneurship).

On one hand, it is really hard to believe that in the last 25 years the United States has become a place where many of the traditions and institutions that previous generations thought would never go away are gradually disappearing: The Boy Scouts of America, The Girl Scouts, or the removal of The 10 Commandments, manger scenes, and expressions of faith (especially Christianity) from government and public properties.

However, when you review world history, before and after Christ, you will read about numerous examples of societies that have risen to financial comfort and largess and eventually fallen as a result of either complacency and/or moral decay.

In most instances, this rise and fall of societies has occurred over decades or centuries. However, through the blessings of ingenuity and technology, driven in large part by innovations created by citizens within the USA, has resulted in the ability to spread good, bad, and ugly thoughts and words around the globe quickly. Therefore, expect the cyclical process of societal rising to the top and sinking to new depths to occur much faster.

I recently read a media blog that really illustrates how fast the distribution of information is changing. The author examined words and phrases that continue to be used today although they have no actual meaning or reference to the current generation. Statements as mundane as “Hang up the phone,” “Roll down the window,” “Let’s tape this TV show,” “Hold your horses,” and “Toot your own horn,” are already outdated and meaningless to multiple generations.

Even in the past 10 years, some “new” methods of communicating and relaying information are practically obsolete. Fax machines and cable TV are joining printed newspapers and magazines as antiquated – and slow – means of communication.

The Devil’s Technological Exploits

So, with all of the good that technology has brought to the world, it is certainly easy to find tragic examples of it’s degradation. While sins, immorality, and disgusting activities have existed since the beginning of human existence, they were rarely available, viewed or distributed to thousands or millions within seconds – and forever archived or shared over and over again.

Regardless if it is pornography, indecency, violence, or simply a distraction or diversion away from healthy and moral activities, the impact goes beyond the initial act. The sheer volume of disgusting and indecency available to everyone via easily accessible channels (cell phones, Internet, TV, magazines, billboards, radio) has made them appear to be common-place and almost normal or acceptable. Even news coverage of activities at the highest office in the United States, brought the discussion and topic of oral sex into the daily conversation for months.

Unfortunately — and this has not changed at all over the years, but has become a larger factor with more consequences now — many adults were/are not mature enough to realize two primary facts: children and youth are not typically equipped (emotionally or otherwise) to handle information on certain subjects; and/or, how easily accessible this type of material and information is, even if their kids are not looking for it.

When you combine this type of ungodly material with the media’s (and, therefore society’s) fascination and obsession with celebrities, who tend to flaunt their status with physical exploits and material possessions, the world’s population is inundated with images and messages that showcase everything except moral character.

Sadly, more U.S. citizens and residents are more likely to know details and information on trivial matters about musicians and actors than they do about Russia’s encroachment on Ukraine, the rise of Islamic State terrorist organizations, the emerging Ebola plague, or, of course, Christ’s saving grace and the Kingdom that is available to them.

As societies’ moral compass heads south, church attendance and religious participation has diminished. Ironically, the Catholic Church – along with some other faiths, are being assaulted for not “changing” its beliefs and tenants to conform with society!

The Catholic Church’s steadfast position to maintain the apostolic foundation is so obvious to those that are educated on our Faith, but also so frustrating to many. The secular attacks on our Faith for its “unwillingness” to change with the times – which are portrayed by the ignorant as well as celebrities and media – who do not want nor like their lifestyles to be criticized.

There are two points that are equally frustrating for me. First, while we certainly want to educate and encourage as many as possible to join and follow our Catholic Faith, it is the will of the individual to accept the Church’s teachings. The Church is does not force anyone to be a Catholic. If someone does not accept the Church’s teachings, they are free to leave at their own soul’s peril.

Secondly, many of these secular critics of our Faith, condemn our beliefs as being out of touch and/or radical. The topic of homosexual unions is always a hot-button issue. Yet, while many chastise the Catholic Church for not accepting, many of these same individuals do not criticize or condemn other religions that also do not accept homosexual relationships.

As Catholics, we MUST maintain our vigilance by speaking up and evangelizing. We can be subtle and correct someone when they say or do something that provides us an opportunity. Or, we can be bold and explain that what they are doing, saying, promoting is immoral and has consequences. If nothing else, we should at least be clear that we have the right to state and exercise our Catholic Faith.


15 thoughts on “Accelerated Changes: Disappearing Faith”

  1. “tragic examples of degradation”-here’s one of those you can turn on its head: BCE and CE. Put a parenthesis after them: CE (Christ Era) and BCE (Before Christ Era).Guy McClung, San Antonio

  2. Greg, I really appreciate the Catholic Church, and you encouraging us to take a stand for waht is right. I agree. I do want to mention though that your first section of the article holds up personal freedom, which was not available to African Americans, and Native Americans until much later. Some would say there are still issues that are unresolved and that not all citizens experience the same freedom.

  3. I think we (in my case, Americans) were at our best when we experienced the rewards of having saved the world from the certain tyranny that would have come from Germany and Japan ruling Europe and Asia, respectively. From that “Greatest Generation” we have lost our moral compass and our nation has sunk into a state of overwhelming debt. The only way out of that debt is for us to become so materialistic that we buy, buy, buy and stimulate the economy, unless all this buying is from China, putting us even deeper in debt and making China the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world. That will end one social experiment and begin another. I would like to think we are not going down that path, but it certainly seems that we are.

  4. Pingback: Armenian Catolicos: World Has Muslim Threat -

  5. It’s not that Faith disappeared – that’s a personal gift from God – it is however a fact that faith in religion disappeared, and for good reason. Excluding Islam (at this time in history) the fact that Judaism, Christians and all eastern religions can’t get on the same page as to a common and shared theology, is the main reason you are posting this lament. The new evangelization needs to begin with these.

    1. There has not been a common or shared theology in these religions for years…in my opinion. Your statement that faith in religion has disappeared may be true, but I do not believe it is due to the fact that the multiple religions have some conflicting stances/beliefs.

      Personally I attribute this diminished lack of faith in religion to a number of factors. One is that faith in religion has been replaced by faith in “other things.” Additionally, secularism has become more dominant – and I can explain some reasons for this in a future column – because it is “easy” and tangible.

    2. Additionally, secularism has become more dominant – and I can explain some reasons for this in a future column – because it is “easy” and tangible.

      Please do. That will be an interesting post.

    3. I think people are righteously cynical about religion’s premise that the world’s
      dogmas cannot be syncronized, homogonized, actualized into one common
      service that everyone can practice w/o the loss of their own. Every church
      would host this universal expression of love, thanksgiving and worship of our
      One God and this binding will bring down theological walls. Just like Berlin.

    4. So. Faith is a personal gift from God?

      What about skepticism? Is that a personal gift from Satan?

      People who find themselves believing all kinds of ridiculous claims without doubt or questioning have been given the gift of faith. It truly is a gift.

      Those who question everything and who refuse to believe without evidence are doubting Thomases. Their skepticism is a curse that leads them to nihilism.

  6. Yes, I would be remiss not to agree with you on several points…in many cases media distorts the values we wish for our children especially by exploiting the human body and this distortion is accelerating through technological advancement. Computer games glorify violence, guns rape, etc. All this is directed at youth, a quite captive audience without much parental supervision. You attribute this to the work of Satan I attribute it to money and power…in either case demons. I agree faith is disappearing also because I believe we have bred a generation of people who do not think.
    It is at this point, we disagree and I have to confront a number of your non sequiturs. The USA is a democracy, a republic and power derives from the people….it is not a theocracy. The country was not founded upon Christian ideals. The founding fathers were mostly deists; Thomas Jefferson rewrote the Bible, cutting and pasting out the unbelievable. The Constitution is the defining and governing document of the country and there is not one mention of God, Jesus Christ or Christianity with the exception of A.D. dating the document. There is a reason for this and it’s called the wall of separation of Church and State. In as much as it would be unconstitutional for the state to dictate that minister perform gay marriages, it would be unconscionable for the church to coerce the government to deny equal protection rights to gays whose states allow and sanction gay marriage. You see, we all recognize the rights of faith to define sacramental matrimony and religions must not interfere in states’ rights to define civil marriage….democracy not theocracy. So mangers, crosses, 10 commandments, menorahs, pentagrams, buddhas, bibles, korans have no place in the public square….they belong in church or on private property of believers. No credible American historical would accede to the belief that we are a Christian state or founded on Christian ideals. Churches should believe what they believe and expect their members to adhere to there beliefs, Civil government is for the people, by the people….the majority, The problem with the decline of faith is that members of churches do not follow the teachings of the churches…the decline of faith has little to do with government. People not believing what they self-identify with is the problem. To use gay marriage as an example, Roman Catholics by a majority approve of this reality…in a larger percentage than Christians in general. This failure of faith has nothing to do with the government or the media….the problem is……

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